Frequently asked questions for the Accordion app by Accelerator 365
Can I add the Accordion to more than one page or site?
Yes, you can add Accordions to multiple pages. Like other web parts, you are not limited to the number of instances.
How many Accordions can I have on a page?
There’s no limit, but Microsoft recommends limiting the amount of web parts per page to 20.
Can I search for content in the Accordion through the SharePoint search box?
Yes, content within the Accordion (even when sections are collapsed) is discoverable through Microsoft Search via the SharePoint search box.
How many sections can I have?
There is no limit to the number of sections you can create in an Accordion.
What is the maximum character length for section titles?
Each section title can be up to 200 characters long.
Can I change the color of the Accordion sections?
The Accordion web part integrates into your organization’s SharePoint theme. The section color is pulled automatically from the theme’s primary color, which makes it easy to bring the web part into your organization’s branding guidelines. Should you update your SharePoint theme, the Accordion will update automatically.
Can I format the text in the Accordion?
Yes, Accordion supports rich text, which includes 25 font and highlight colors, text alignment, font sizes from 10-68, numbered and unnumbered lists, and common font styles like headings and pull quotes. The Accelerator’s Accordion app is designed to suit your needs, however your organization prefers to manage content.