How to navigate around the Content Manager Dashboard

A guide to exploring and using the Content Manager Dashboard

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    Using the menu

    The main menu provides a persistent way to navigate through the Content Manager Dashboard. It allows you to easily return to the CMD home page, also known as the All Sites dashboard, access the Sites and Hub registrations page, navigate to the Collections creation page, and reach the Page dashboard for all sites.

    Using the breadcrumbs

    As you explore deeper into the Content Manager Dashboard, the breadcrumb navigation will help you keep track of your location within the solution. Breadcrumbs act as a visual trail, showing the path you’ve taken to reach your current page. You can use them to easily backtrack or move to previous sections.

    Navigating the dashboards

    The Content Manager Dashboard (CMD) offers five distinct dashboards, each providing data at different levels for users.

    1. All sites dashboard

      This serves as the home page for CMD and offers a consolidated overview of all page information for the registered sites and hubs you have access to. You can view:
      1. Status – Displays the current state of your content.
      2. Most recent content – Sort by created, modified, or scheduled date to see the latest updates.
      3. Popular content – By default, content is sorted by the number of views over the past 7 days. You can also specify a date range using the last 30 or 90 days, or select a custom range with the date picker.
      4. Overall traffic – View total visits and unique viewers in a graph, with the same date range options as above.
      5. Filtering – Filter data by page type (news or pages) or language on the registered site.
      Content Manager Dashboard - All sites dashboard
    2. Site dashboard

      This dashboard functions similarly to the All sites dashboard but focuses on data for an individual site.
    3. Hub dashboard

      Similar to the All sites dashboard, this dashboard operates at the hub level, providing insights specific to the entire hub.
    4. Collections dashboard

      The Collections feature allows you to group related sites, making it easy to filter and focus on the specific sites and hubs you manage. 

      Once you've created a collection, the Collections dashboard functions similarly to the All sites dashboard, offering insights tailored to the sites within your collection.
    5. Page dashboard

      Accessible from any of the previously mentioned dashboards or the Pages list, the Page Dashboard offers detailed information on individual pages.

      Here, you can view page details and associated metadata, including custom fields. Additionally, you can analyse page performance through metrics such as views, unique viewers, likes, and comments, with options to explore data over the last 7, 30, or 90 days, or via a custom date range using the date picker. 

      Finally, you can also directly manage your content, including checking in, publishing, approving, and deleting pages, provided you have the necessary permissions.